
Counter is a simple Discord bot that.. well, counts. Setup a channel in your server and let people take turns to count! Counter will make sure no one breaks the counting rules.

Counting has been a trend and fun activity on Discord for a long long time, and with Counter it makes the game even more fun as you don't have to manage the game and make sure everyone follows the rules, as Counter will do that for you. More fun, less management.

Key Features

Use /getstarted to get started after inviting it to your server!


Counter has a public leaderboard! As the count number goes up, you get closer to certain milestones, such as being the first server to reach 100, 1000, etc. See on the leaderboard who reached the number first, and who is leading overall with reaching the ultimate goal of 1.000.000!

Support the development

Hosting Discord bots isn't free. Gotta host the bots through a hosting company, and a loooot of free time for the development :) - So if you enjoy the bots and find them helpful, even the smallest amount means a ton, and keeps filling up my mug of tea so I can keep coding!

Buy Me A Coffee


If you require any support or have questions about a bot feel free to join the support server!

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