Messenger Bot - A discord bot that sends the same message to many people with one command

Messenger Bot is your go-to Discord bot for streamlined communication. Send the same message to multiple users and servers effortlessly with a single command. No more repetitive messaging—just efficient communication.

Key Features

Messenger Bot being used to send messages to 2 friends and 2 servers

Example of Messenger Bot being used to send messages to 2 friends and 2 servers

Receiving a message sent through Messenger Bot

Example of receiving a message sent through Messenger Bot

The /help command in Messenger Bot

The help page in Messenger Bot

Messenger Bot is designed to simplify your Discord experience. Say goodbye to manual repetition and hello to efficient communication.

Ready to Simplify Communication?

Invite Messenger Bot to your server now and experience the ease of mass messaging. Streamline your communication in a click!

Invite Messenger Bot Now!

Invite to server

Support the development

Hosting Discord bots isn't free. Gotta host the bots through a hosting company, and a loooot of free time for the development :) - So if you enjoy the bots and find them helpful, even the smallest amount means a ton, and keeps filling up my mug of tea so I can keep coding!

Buy Me A Coffee


If you require any support or have questions about a bot feel free to join the support server!

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